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Upcoming Fall College Events

College Visits - Begin September 14th.  Students need to sign up in Naviance prior to attending, teachers are notified who has signed up for each visit.  Check out the list of colleges coming to North in Naviance.  

Past Events:

College Planning Night - 9/27/2023 - Nashua North Auditorium - 6:00 p.m.

This presentation will cover all aspects of the college search process.  Seniors and their parents are encouraged to attend.  Below is the slide show from the presentation.

College Fair at South - October 30th - Nashua South Gymnasiums 6-7:30

Over 200 colleges and universities attend this very successful college fair.  This is a great place to learn about colleges, have first-hand conversations with college representatives, and gather college handouts.  There is no registration for this event, families can just show up.  

College Application Day - November 13th

Seniors can apply to NH Colleges and Universities on the day for free.  College representatives will available virtually to assist students in completing their applications to college.  Students need to register in advance to participate in this event, use the link below.

Senior College Night Presentation 9/23/23

 Financial Aid 101 - October 4th at 6p.m.

Presentation done by NHHEAF.  

Financial Aid 101- 2023-24CJC.pptx