Questions to Ask Your Child


20 after-school questions that will actually get your kids talking

A lot of kids have no idea what grown-ups want when they ask, "How was your day?" Ask them these conversation-starting questions instead!

By Today's Parent

August 30, 2019

You want to know what your kids are doing in their new class, but you can’t get much out of them when you ask. Skip the way-too-open-ended “How was your day?” and try one of these after-school conversation starters instead.

Tip: Print or take a screen shot of these questions so you’ll have then when you need them!

1. Was today a good day or a bad day?

2. What did you like better today: snack time or circle time?

3. Who did you play with today?

4. Did anybody get in trouble today?

5. Did anyone do anything funny at school today?

6. What made you feel the happiest today?

7. What games did you play at recess?

8. When did you feel most proud of yourself today?

9. Tell me one new thing you learned today.

10. What made you laugh today?

11. Did anyone do anything nice for you today?

12. What challenged you today?

13. What was the nicest thing you did for someone else today?

14. Who brought the best food in their lunch today? What was it?

15. How would you rate your day on a scale of one to 10?

16. If one of your friends could be the teacher for the day, who would you want it to be?

17. What’s your teacher’s most important rule, and did anyone break it today?

18. Does your teacher remind you of anyone else you know?

19. What did you have fun learning today?

20. What’s one thing you did today that helped a friend or your teacher?