Why Study AP Calculus?

Why should I study AP Calculus?

1. Our program follows the national AP curriculum and a passing score on the AP exam is accepted by most colleges for Calculus I credit.

2. Calculus is the gateway to college mathematics. If you want to study upper level college math, Calculus I will be a pre-requisite for every course!

3. Many majors in college require calculus and it will count for a math credit even for majors that do not require calculus.

4. Studying math keeps your options open. There are many majors and careers for which a strong math background is considered a real plus! Math majors (for example) do very well in law school, business school, and in any profession where quantitative thinking is desired!

5. There are many professions where you might not initially think that you want or need math, but later you realize that there is some interesting potential. For example, biology majors have only to take one or two semesters of calculus at most universities. But, if they take more (and say minor or double major in math), then they have all kinds of options in an interdisciplinary field call bio-mathematics!

6. Calculus has many real world applications.