Attendance Policies

Performances: Attendance at all performances by all members is strictly required, except for serious illness or a death in the family. We must be notified if a student is sick, or otherwise unable to attend a performance, by a phone call BEFORE the performance. Unless it is illness related or a family emergency, the directors need to be notified TWO WEEKS IN ADVANCE. An unexcused absence will result in an "F" for that performance, thus lowering their band grade. Work is NOT considered an excused absence! For the band program to be successful we must have every student in attendance at all performances.


School attendance policy applies for rehearsal attendance. If a student forgets their instrument, they get a warning first, and then issued a tardy for every instance after that. Three tardies = one unexcused absence.

Homecoming Week

There are three required performances during NSHS Homecoming Week: The Parade and Aud on Thursday, followed by the halftime performance on Friday. ALL BAND MEMBERS ARE REQUIRED TO MARCH, unless they are a Varsity Football Player, Varsity Cheerleader, or Varsity Silver Shaker. No exceptions will be made.