Challenge Rules/Form


1. Challenge material will consist of selections from the music in the folders, as well as all major scales and the chromatic scale (full range). The challenger will select one piece from their folder, and the challengee will select one piece from their folder. Mr. Collins and Mr. McMann will select the excerpts from those pieces, as well as the scales to be played, at the time the challenge is performed.

2. Music must be exchanged the day after the challenge is made, and challenges must be completed by the end of the fourth school day following the day the music is exchanged. (Example: Scott challenges Mary on Wednesday. Scott and Mary exchange music on Thursday, and have Friday, Monday, and Tuesday to practice. The challenge must be completed by the end of the day on Wednesday.)

3. Challenges may take place at any time, but no change of seating will occur during the two-week period prior to a concert if the change of seating would result in a change of part. If a challenge occurs during this time and a change of part would result, that change of seating will take place at the first rehearsal following the concert.

4. You may challenge one chair ahead of you. The loser of the challenge may not re-challenge the same person for one week following the challenge. If you are not present at the designated challenge time, or choose not to accept a challenge, you will forfeit the challenge.

Click below to download the Challenge Form