Family View

The Family View of Aspen is a helpful and useful view to become familiar with.

The front page is where you can see any updates on your student, you can initiate your emergency card update, where you will find published reports, and you can look at any due items that your student may have in the near future.

The top tabs provide additional information about your students. The family tab lets you access individual information, the Academics top tab will give you detailed information on your student's grades, the groups top tabs aren't in use currently, and the calendar top tab gives you information on assignments that are due for your student.

The Family top tab such as contact information, daily attendance information, conduct referrals, school schedule, membership (which schools your student has attended within the district), and documents (where we store important legal documents and final report cards.)

The Academic top tab provides individual information for your students classes. From this tab, you can look at each class that your child is in and see their grades. There is a details page that provide the list of the classes and their grade to date. The assignments tab provides a break down of their assignments and the grades that they have received for them. It does take time for grades to get into Aspen, so don't be alarmed if a student submitted a project on Thursday and their grades aren't in that night as it may take the teacher to grade all 100 + students projects and record them.