DVRT Volunteers

Domestic Violence Response Team (DVRT) Volunteers

CCDVC is always seeking volunteers for its Domestic Violence Response Team (DVRT). 

DVRT is a very unique volunteer experience. 

What is the Domestic Violence Response Team (DVRT)?

The DVRT program is a partnership between the lead, state designated domestic violence agency for Camden County (CCDVC) and the local police departments in Camden County. Through team building, training, and partnership - both CCDVC and the police departments work together to prevent further domestic violence in the community. In order to practice this prevention, CCDVC recruits, trains, and maintains volunteer advocates to respond to police activations.

The DVRT program was state mandated in 2000 with the knowledge that victims of domestic violence are often isolated and trapped in abusive relationships. Studies demonstrate that victims of domestic violence are 3x more likely to return to their abusers if they are provided with little or no support. Police officers provide protection to victims of domestic violence by arresting and processing the batterer, while DVRT volunteer advocates help the victim to feel less isolated and alone. DVRT volunteers provide emotional support, information on domestic violence, community resources, and safety planning.

Who is on the Domestic Violence Response Team (DVRT)?

The DVRT is made up of esteemed men and women who graciously volunteer their time and energies towards providing alternatives, and referrals to victims of domestic violence in crisis. All volunteers are volunteers of CCDVS, not the township police departments. 

    DVRT Member Objectives:

    1. To decrease the emotional trauma experienced by victims through:

        - Providing victims an opportunity to express their emotional response to their crisis

        - Educating victims about the dynamics of domestic violence

    2. To increase a victim's ability to make an educated decision about their options by:

        - Increasing the victim's awareness of available community resources

        - Increasing the victim's awareness of available legal options and their understanding of the legal process

    3. To increase the victim's access to community resources by:

        - Providing the victim with the necessary information to access available resources

        - Assisting the victim in contacting available community resources

What kind of training is required to become a DVRT Volunteer Advocate?

All members of DVRT, and any volunteer opportunity with CCDVS involving direct service to clients, requires a 40-hour Domestic Violence Training completion. This training is offered free to volunteers, but certification will not be administered until a full year of active volunteering is completed.

What are the qualifications?

Want to apply? Fill out the form below:

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