Media Center Policies

Hours: The media center is open from 7:25 a.m.-2:30 p.m. Students are welcome to come at other times during the day providing that Mrs. Menzies is not teaching classes and students have permission from their teacher.

Book Checkout: The media center works on a responsive schedules. This makes the needs of the learner first priority. As a result, students do not have a weekly library schedule. They are welcome to come to the media center at any time during the day with their teacher's permission. Students can come to checkout books, read silently, work on projects or whatever their learning or leisure reading needs dictate.

Because of this schedule students will be allowed to checkout books according to the information below:

  • Kindergarten and First Grade--One book per checkout

  • 2nd - 5th Grade--Two Books per checkout

Note: If a student is a member of Battle of the Books or has a project for school, the checkout limit can be extended.

Overdue Books: Overdue notices will be sent home once/quarter. If a student has an overdue book, their book checkout may be limited until the book is returned. Please contact contact the media center if you have any questions.

Lost Books: If a student loses a book, the student will be charged $5/book. If there is a financial hardship, please contact Stacy Menzies, media center coordinator, and we will work out a solution.

Expected Behavior: We strive to make the media center a welcoming space for all members of our Snipes Family. To make sure that we are all able to use the space in the best way possible, we ask the following when in the media center:

  • Please use walking feet

  • Please use quiet voices

  • Please respect your teacher(s), yourselves and those around you

  • Be kind to others--treat them the way you would like to be treated

  • If you have a question, please ask

  • If you have a problem, please let the media specialist know.

As always, we look forward to a great year in the media center! If you have any questions, concerns, or suggestions, please contact Stacy Menzies, Media Coordinator.