Kindergarten Core Words

The following is a list of our Kindergarten core words. These are the words your child is expected to know how to read and write by the end of their kindergarten year. There are many ways that you can practice them. Here are a few that you can try at home.

* Write them with sidewalk chalk

* Practice finding them in your favorite story

* Write them on post it notes and hang them up on your child's bedroom wall. Give your child a flashlight and turn off the lights. Have them shine a light around the room and the first person to read the word that the light hits gets a point. Play until someone gets to 10 points first.

* Write the words in shaving cream on a cookie sheet

* Spell out the words with magnets on the refrigerator

* Rainbow write the words using different color markers for each letter that is in the word - ex. mom

* Let your child practice typing them out on the computer or iPad

* Make sight word puzzles using popsicle sticks. Have your child write the letters out on each stick, then mix up the sticks and let them put it back in order to make the word.

* Use Scrabble tiles to build their sight words

Make learning these words fun. Whatever your child loves to do at home, incorporate learning them there. It will be more meaningful for you and your child.