11/4/19 Week

11/4/19 science

Geology test on Wednesday 11/6/19.

Review sheet attached below.


*Report Card conferences Thursday 1pm to 3pm and 4pm to 7pm.

*Friday is by appointment only 12:15 to 2pm.


11/5/19 science

  • GEOLOGY / LAYERS OF EARTH test tomorrow.
  • There is a review guide (attached to yesterday's homework page) to use along with the notes concerning the layers of the Earth.

Half days are scheduled for Wed., Thurs., and Fri. (noon dismissal)

****************Students can bring in a snack on the half days****************************

Report Card Conferences are Thursday. There will be a sign in sheet upon your arrival. I will work my way down the list according to your signature. My goal is to keep to a schedule of 5 minute meetings to minimize wait times. I will also have your child's grade 3 PSSA scores for you.



Half days are scheduled for Thurs., and Fri. (noon dismissal)

****************Students can bring in a snack on the half days****************************

Report Card Conferences are Thursday. There will be a sign in sheet upon your arrival. I will work my way down the list according to your signature. My goal is to keep to a schedule of 5 minute meetings to minimize wait times. I will also have your child's grade 3 PSSA scores for you.

*** You are welcome to bring your child to the report card conference***



Half day is scheduled for Fri. (noon dismissal)

Monday - School is closed.
