English 12

English 12 specifically focuses on British Literature. Our essential question this year is To what extent are our legacies the results of our journeys?

We will focus on 4 writing types: exposition, literary analysis, argumentative, and narrative.

In addition, integration of informational texts that are integral to the understanding or strengthening the understanding of the literature read will also be focused on during the year.

For information about Ohio's Learning Standards, please visit: http://education.ohio.gov/getattachment/Topics/Learning-in-Ohio/English-Language-Art/English-Language-Arts-Standards/ELA-Learning-Standards-2017.pdf.aspx?lang=en-US



Pygmalion by George Bernard Shaw

Tales of King Arthur

Macbeth by William Shakespeare


Google Class Codes per class period:

1st period Literature 12: kbj5yyh

2nd period: uelp7hw

3rd period: krtfkog