Who's Involved

Matt Nupen created the Dream Makers Idea Challenge to kickstart the use of 3D printing to create custom devices within NE Metro 916. He teaches science at 916 Mahtomedi Academy in the ALC program. The idea came from volunteering at the Mahtomedi FABLab, teaching an Assistive Technology Engineering and Entrepreneurship class to his students, and from his daughter who has CP.

3D Designers:

If you would like to volunteer as a designer/engineer please fill out this form.

Michael Bowers

By day, I am a web developer with a background in science education. By night, I'm a designer of 3-D printable objects. I enjoy creating whimsical designs, but I also design many assistive technology devices to help me in my daily life. 3-D printers allow me to create custom solutions to overcome the challenges I face having a physical disability. I believe in elegant, simple, tested solutions to problems that work for many. I'm excited to help with this challenge so that others can benefit from what I have learned about designing assistive technology for 3-D printers.

Financial Donations

A generous donations by the 916 Foundation and Matt Onken has made it possible to purchase a 3D Printer that will be used to create the finished designs. If you would like to donate to this program please contact Matt Nupen at matthew.nupen@nemetro.k12.mn.us