How will the idea(s) be selected?

We will be selecting ideas based on the following criteria:

  • How well it solves a problem

  • How well the device is described or drawn

  • Item is smaller than a 6"x6" cube or could be assembled from smaller pieces

  • You must be a NE Metro 916 employee (for this idea challenge...)

Things that do not matter are:

  • No limit to number of submissions/ideas

  • How widely the idea can be used is not important. It’s okay if it’s so specialized it can only meet the needs of one student.

Deadline is May 30th, 2014

What happens if my idea is chosen?

We will contact you at the end of May if your idea was selected. If your idea was not selected that doesn't meant it wasn't a good idea. We're choosing ideas that are a good match for 3D printing and will be fairly easy to design.

Selected ideas will be turned into a 3D model by one of our volunteering designers. You will be an active partner in this process by answering questions about your idea and providing feedback on the model. The goal is to hand you a 3D printed copy of your idea by the end of June that can be used with students over the summer or next school year.

What happens to ideas that are not selected?

Ideas that are not selected this time will be saved for future idea challenges. It doesn't mean your idea wasn't a great one, it may not have met our criteria for this idea challenge. Keep being creative!

Who owns my idea when I submit it?

Your idea belongs to you as long as you did not use school resources to come up with it. If you needed to use NE Metro 916 equipment (computer, furniture, etc.) to come up with your idea then NE Metro 916 has ownership of the idea. If you thought of the idea while working at NE Metro 916 the idea is still yours.

You will retain ownership of the idea after it has been turned into a 3D model and printed on a 3D printer. To promote sharing of ideas your idea will be licensed under Creative Commons - Attribution - Share Alike license and posted on Thingiverse.com. This license allows people to "copy and redistribute the material in any medium or format and remix, transform, and build upon the material" You reserve the right to choose a different license for your idea. To learn more about Creative Commons licenses visit http://creativecommons.org/licenses/.

How is my idea going to be turned into a real thing?

Talented designers and engineers will create a 3D model of your idea. We will then 3D print as many copies of the object as you need.

I like this project, how do I get involved?

We're always looking for talented volunteers to help out with this project. See the Volunteer page for more information.