
My research primarily takes the systems analysis and modeling approach to better understand and manage complex, large-scale agricultural and hydrological systems for sustainable uses of soil and water resources. This, by nature, requires an interdisciplinary approach. In the past few years, I have developed a number of collaborative partnerships to study food-energy-water nexus issues in the Northern Great Plains, including water allocation and management for Bakken shale oil development, soil and water quality impact of growing sugarbeet for biofuel production in the Red River of the North Basin, and water management for growing bioenergy crops in the the Republican River Basin. My roles in these collaborations include providing leadership to multidisciplinary research teams, developing computer models and software, and conducting numerical analysis of field data. My research program has been mainly supported by external funding, including NSF and USDA grants. My collaborators include geohydrologists, environmental engineers, economists, soil scientists, agronomists, and remote sensing specialists. Below is a list of recent research projects.

Food-Energy-Water Nexus

Bakken Water Use and Impact, funded by the NSF Dynamics of Coupled Natural and Human Systems Program (2014-2017). A model for groundwater allocation and management at the Bakken Shale in western North Dakota ($250K, PI: Dr. Zhulu Lin).

Cellulosic Biofuel Feedstock Production, funded by USDA National Institute of Food and Agriculture Bioenergy Challenge Program (2013-2018). Evaluating how market and policy affect cellulosic biofuel feedstock production in marginal land of Upper Midwest and its consequences on water sustainability in a changing climate ($555K, PI: Dr. Haochi Zheng from University of North Dakota).

Energy Beets for Advanced Biofuel, funded by USDA National Institute of Food and Agriculture Foundational Program (2013-2018). Soil health and water quality impacts of growing energy beets for advanced biofuel production in North-Central United States ($450K, PI: Dr. Zhulu Lin).

Impacts of Climate and Land Use Changes on Water Resources

Climate and Land Use Changes on Water Quality, funded by North Dakota Water Resources Research Institute (2013-2014). Estimating nutrient loads to Lake Ashtabula (North Dakota) under changing climate ($4.5K, PI: Dr. G. Padmanabhan).

Tile Drainage on Spring Flood, funded by North Dakota Water Resources Research Institute (2010-2011). Impact analysis of subsurface drainage on streamflows in the Red River of the North Basin ($2K, PI: Dr. Zhulu Lin).

Risk Assessment and Remediation of Salt-Affected Soils

Soil Sodicity Amendment, funded by USDA Natural Resources Conservation Service (2012-2017). Drainage, plant type, cover crops mixtures, soil amendments, and residue cover impacts on water quality and productivity in the Northern Great Plains ($915K, PI: Dr. Thomas DeSutter).

Soil Salinity Risk Assessment, funded by China's National Natural Science Foundation (2010-2013). Secondary land salinization simulation and risk assessment for the Yinchuan Plain, China (PI: Dr. Liming Liu from China Agricultural University).