
Welcome to the Actuarial Science Club of Notre Dame!

If you haven't done so already, please join the club on SAO360 and pay dues of $25. To pay dues, please Venmo @ASC-NotreDame, or contact the treasurer to pay in cash. Dues paying members may be reimbursed for the cost of passed exams and VEE credit fees. For exam reimbursement requests, forward your receipt and official exam scores to the treasurer and the club email For VEE credit reimbursement requests, please forward your receipt to the treasurer and the club email

For information regarding the actuarial science minor, please visit the department's website, and please visit our Actuary 101, Preliminary Exams, and VEE Credit pages,, or for more information about the actuarial profession and the exams.

If you are interested in an actuarial career, please complete this form to be included in a resume book handed out to our contacts hiring actuaries. Please save the file as "[Last Name], [First Name] Resume."

* For actuarial job and internship listings, please check Go IRISH regularly, or see the Current Job Openings page.

A list of actuarial employers can be found here.

Please see the PowerPoint below for relevant information from our Fall 2018 meeting.

ASC 2018 Kickoff Meeting