
This web site is designed to help educators celebrate the 100th anniversary of the Smith-Hughes Act. This act, signed into law on February 23, 1917 by President Woodrow Wilson. provided federal funding to promote the teaching of vocational subjects in high school.

A committee of agricultural educators is responsible for planning and implementing various activities during 2016-2017 to celebrate the Smith-Hughes Act as it relates to agricultural education. The Smith-Hughes Celebration committee is comprised of Jay Jackman, Kevin Keith, Gary Moore, Jacquelyn Deeds, Tom Maynard, David Laatsch, Mark Balschweid, Charles Parker, Tracy-Lynn Johnson, Alissa Smith, Jim Armbruster, Tony Small and Emily Wickham. For more information about planned activities and resources contact Tony Small (tsmall@ffa.org) at The National Council for Agricultural Education.

This website is maintained by Gary Moore at North Carolina State University. If you have suggestions or contributions to make to the site please contact Gary at gmoore@ncsu.edu.