This is the compilation of digital resources for the students, parents of students, and staff at the Warren County Career Center. This library consists of:

The INFOhio resources are password-protected. INFOhio is Ohio's K-12 Digital Library. It's funded by Ohio tax dollars and as a result, is only able to be used by Ohio residents. INFOhio is available without a username and password when using on-campus computers or school-issued Chromebooks.  If you need the login information when you're off-campus and on a device other than your Chromebook, you can get the username and password by clicking on this link. (Note: It will prompt you to log in to your school-issued Google account. That's how we "confirm" Ohio residency.)

Above is the WCCC media center online catalog. You don't have to come to the media center to see what books and materials are available. You can use this to do an online search of all materials including books.