The Smith Lab presents research at the 2015 AMLC Meeting, Curacao
Post date: Jun 4, 2015 7:10:34 PM
The Smith Lab and UVI were well represented at the 2015 AMLC Meeting at the CARMABI Research Station in Curacao. The following presentations were given:
Brandt ME, TB Smith, E Clemens, M Sevier. Disease in the deep: coral white plague in Mesophotic coral ecosystems. Submitted to the 2015 AMLC Meeting. May 18-22, 2015, Curacao, CARMABI Research Station
Brandtneris V, ME Brandt, PW Glynn, J Gyory and TB Smith. Seasonal variability in energy content is greater in Mesophotic corals. *Current MMES Student. Submitted to the 2015 AMLC Meeting. May 18-22, 2015, Curacao, CARMABI Research Station
Smith TB, Richlen ML, Robertson A, Liefer JD, Anderson DM, Morris Jr., JG, Parsons ML. Ciguatera Fish Poisoning: long-term dynamics of Gambierdiscus spp. on coral reefs in St. Thomas, US Virgin Islands. Submitted to the 2015 AMLC Meeting. May 18-22, 2015, Curacao, CARMABI Research Station
Great job everyone!