Big Woods

I teach three first grade classes at Big Woods Elementary.

In September, 1st grade is learning about beat and the four ways we can use our voices. Ask your child if they know what beat is! Ask your child to demonstrate the four ways we use our voices!

In October we work hard on Melody. Melody is pitches going up or down or staying the same. We continue to make sure beat is secure while adding in the rhythms ta (quarter note), ti-ti (eighth notes), and sh (quarter rest). See if your child can sing the definition of Melody for you!

In November we start combining rhythm and Melody on the Music Staff. We learn about lines and spaces and how to draw notes on the Music Staff. Ask your child to do the Music Staff rap!

In December we learn about holiday traditions and music from around the world. We sing the songs in an all-school assembly.

In January we begin to work on our concert music and we continue to work on understanding Melody. We learn to improvise and write melodies on the Music Staff.