Daily Schedule

Our Little Saints are 4-5 years old and come MWF mornings or afternoons. We have a maximum of 20 children enrolled in each section with 2 teachers (10:1 ratio).

Here is a snapshot of our day! Schedule is subject to change at any moment :)

Little Saints AM / PM

8:05-8:30/12:05-12:30 Arrival/ Free Time

8:30-9:00/12:30-1:00: Calendar/Songs/Story/Daily Outlook

9:00-9:45/1:00-1:45: Math/Science/Literacy Stations

9:45-10:00/1:45-2:00: Wash Hands/Quiet Book Time

10:00-10:15/2:00-2:15: Snack

10:15-10:30/2:15-2:30: Math/Science/Literacy Stations

10:30-10:45/2:30-2:45: Religion

10:45-11:00/2:45-3:00: Bathroom/Pack up/Pray

11:00-11:15/3:00 -3:15: Outside/Large Motor Play/Dismissal

*We will be entering and exiting through door #4 (Elementary Entrance) this year. *