Wheaton College Places

So what’s so special about Wheaton College?


It shouldn’t take you long to make that discovery,

but we thought we would give you some help learning about

the numerous activities and benefits

for faculty, staff and spouses at Wheaton College.

Anderson Commons: Lovingly called “SAGA” by students, the dining hall provides excellent food for very reasonable prices with a faculty/staff id. . “FOHTY” or “From Our House To Yours” allows the college community to order a pre-cooked meal (for four to six people) on Tuesday and carry it out on Wednesday (to reheat). Check the website for weekly menus for SAGA and for FOHTY.

Astronomy Department Observatory: The Department of Physics and Astronomy hosts viewing nights on most Friday evenings at the observatory which are open to both the public and students on campus. More details on specific Open Nights and updated weather conditions can found here.

Todd M. Beamer Center: Located in the lower level of Anderson Commons, it houses Sam's and the Stupe (two campus dining locations), the Campus Post Office (CPO), student organization offices, the game room with ping pong and pool tables, and the Phelps Room (multi-purpose room).

Billy Graham Museum: Located in Billy Graham Hall, the museum presents a terrific display of evangelism and of the Billy Graham ministry in particular. Don't miss the spectacular "Through the Gospel" walk.

Buswell Library: There are rich resources available, as well as numerous special collections (e.g., Oswald Chambers, Jacques Ellul and Madeleine L’Engle). Take advantage of the sizable collection of DVDs. Free rentals!

Chapel: Chapel services convene each Monday, Wednesday and Friday at 10:35 AM in Edman Chapel. Check online for the the Chapel Schedule. Seating may be limited since students have assigned seats so please wait to choose any unoccupied seat after the chapel doors have closed and the bells have rung. Watch Wheaton chapel live at this link.

College Bookstore: Follett will offer Wheaton College faculty and staff a 20% discount on all purchases over $1.00, excluding textbooks, sale merchandise, computer hardware and academically discounted software. To take advantage of the discount, show your Wheaton College ID card at time of purchase. Click here for store hours.

PerryMastodon: Housed in the new science center at Wheaton College, the Perry Mastodon, discovered in Glen Ellyn, can be viewed inside the building.

Wade Center: Located near Edman Chapel at 351 Lincoln, this international study center contains a special collection of books and papers from seven British authors, including C.S. Lewis. C.S. Lewis’ wardrobe can also be seen in the center.