Corinthian Co-op

The Corinthian Co-op has a long history of serving the Wheaton College family

by providing a place to give and receive used clothing and household items.

The Co-op is open whenever classes are in session.

Items are free for those in the Wheaton College community.

Run by a volunteer staff historically from WCWC members.

Visit the Corinthian Co-op website for hours and other information.

Have donations? The Corinthian Co-op is always in need of winter clothes, gloves, etc.

Clean out your closets, and drop off your items at the Corinthian Co-op!

Co-op Volunteer needs:

*Weekly volunteers during the academic year to work 2-4 hours during open hours or behind the scenes at your convenience. Team leaders also still needed.

*"May move-out" volunteers to help sort through the massive amount of clothes, bedding, etc. that students leave behind in the dorms and apartments These items are sorted, cleaned and then stored at the Corinthian Co-op for Wheaton College Faculty, Staff and students "shopping" during the next school year!

*Summer volunteers as team leaders or helpers to sort and organize "May move-out" donations and summer donations, meet summer needs by appointment, and serve early arriving incoming international students.

Without volunteers, this ministry will not be able serve the needs of the Wheaton College community.