
Use the requirements below to guide you when choosing your product. The product is due on March 1st and must be with you (physically or documentation/proof of completion) for the Senior Presentations on April 22nd and 23rd.

Product Requirements

Project Pride is an experience-based learning opportunity, completed in a student's senior year, to demonstrate independent learning and self reflection.

Products must meet a 30 hour learning commitment, must address the essential question and must be a learning stretch.

Criteria for Proof of Product

Tangible Product:

    • 30 hours logged

    • Photo Journal to show progress

    • Reflections on what you learn

  • A physical product to show your final outcome

Intangible Product:

    • Signed Time Log (by mentor/supervisor)

    • Photo Journal to show you participating

    • Reflections on what you learn

    • Letter of Recommendation/Completion of Service

Product CAN be:

    • Volunteer work or community service

    • Job shadow or internship

    • Learning a skill or trade with NO prior experience

Product CANNOT be:

    • A continuation of learning a topic you already have experience with

    • A fundraising effort

Project Pride Time Log

Sample Products

  • Learn to knit, build or create usable items and donate products

  • Refurbish furniture to donate to an auction or to a nonprofit thrift store

  • Create art out of recycled materials; put on a cultural event to display or donate to an auction

  • Volunteer with a nonprofit agency to help them meet their goals

  • Complete an internship

  • Learn to play a new instrument; perform at a public event

  • Work with a master craftsman to learn a new skill

  • Develop a business plan; meet with Small Business Association Volunteer to review and implement plan.

  • Write and produce a play; perform for free

  • Volunteer to teach senior citizens how to use computers

  • Volunteer at a museum or local historical society

  • Adopt a community area to maintain or renovate (get local permission first)

  • Build a football sled

  • Join an environmental organization; participate in events to help meet its goals

  • Learn the history of your town; organize free walking tours to the community