
The portfolio portion of the senior project is assessed in three stages.  See below for the requirements for each deadline. In addition, the class of 2022 will have a portfolio defense using the pillars from The Vision of the Graduate

College and Career Readiness

This portfolio portion asks students to create a resume for college or career, a cover letter for college or career and to write a 450-650 word college admission essay.  All work will show that students can write effectively for the task and should be free from spelling and grammar errors that hinder the reader's ability to understand.

1. Share Your Portfolio

   a. You will need to share your portfolio with your 2 

        NETWORK teachers, who will be assessing each           of these elements.

2. Cover Letter

   a. Generic Template

   b. Example Cover Letter for College App

   c. Example Cover Letter for Job App


3. Resume              

   a. Read here on what NOT to do when writing your resume!

   b. Read here for tips on how to make your resume outstanding!

   c. Finally, click here for an example student resume!

   d. You can either create it from scratch or you can find a template on Google Docs

4. College Essay

   a. How to Write the College Essay

   b. Essay Writing Tips

   c. Common App Essay Prompts 

5. Proposal Upload  

   a. Your proposal, once approved, should be added as a hyperlink to your MVHS Portfolio Website.

   b. Click here for the directions.

6. Writing Samples: You will need to add this to the College and Career Portfolio. You will need to add a link with 3 Writing Samples from High School. Make sure the samples are a great reflection on you as a writer. The samples can be anything:

Creative Writing




Poetry (you need at least 2 poems to count as 1 writing sample)


College Essay

Community Service Requirement

Due December 1st

The requirement for graduation is 24 hours of community service. These hours need to be verified by Guidance by November 1st and certificates uploaded to the Portfolio by December 1st.

1. Submit Hours - Turn in time log or letter of completion to Guidance.

2. Receive Certificate - Once hours are verified, you will receive an email with a personalized certificate attesting to the number of hours you have recorded.

3. Upload to your Portfolio

    a. Save the file to your Drive (hover over the PDF image, and click the Google icon).

    b. Share the file with your Assessors (one you open the PDF, click the 3 dots in the top right corner to share and get shareable link).

    c. Link the file to your Digital Portfolio under the 

        "Community Service" heading.

Vision of The Graduate and Portfolio Defense

(Open the slideshow in another tab ) 


Portfolio and trifold training