Organizational Skills

Welcome to Organizational Skills. This class is designed to help you acquire successful behavioral qualities and habits of mind, necessary to successfully transition from school to career and life. Our work will focus on improving your strategies for staying organized and performing effectively and more efficiently in all of your classes. We will utilize strategies such as time management, organization, and self-advocacy in order to be more successful in your high school career.

Course Competencies You will be assessed on the following:

Personal Management: Students will demonstrate consistent progress toward individualized goals and objectives.

    • I can independently plan for my own success (initiate and manage my learning) as demonstrated by thoughtful completion of a weekly plan.

Academic: Students will apply effective strategies toward meeting academic competencies.

    • I can use original and flexible thinking to communicate my ideas or construct a unique product or solution.
    • I can demonstrate the ability to use time effectively by completing assignments on time and according to the teacher’s expectations.

Transition Planning: The student will plan and prepare for a variety of current and future educational and career opportunities, based upon assessments of individual qualities and interests.

    • I can evaluate the relationship between my individual interests, abilities, and skills and evolving individual, social, educational, and career goals.
    • I can review and update my individual educational and career plan based on progress, continued and changing development of interests, and an awareness of the importance of lifelong learning.

You will earn the following scores based on those rubrics:

Grading Process: This course is graded Pass/Fail; 70% is minimum passing score. You are responsible for utilizing this support class to your best advantage. Successful academic skills are developed through diligence, organization and responsibility. Your grade in this course will be based on your performance on both formative (10%) and summative assessments (90%). Summative assessments will be scored using rubrics. Proficiency must be demonstrated on each competency as measured by the rubrics. Students will receive a final summative activity worth 5% of the overall grade demonstrating competency in all areas assessed throughout the semester.

Classroom Materials: Students are expected to bring all academic materials to class each day. Personal reading material is also required.

Classroom Expectations: The students will:

Be present and on time to class.

Show silent respect for the speaker.

Use your phone or electronic device only when given permission.