McAfee Activation Using 25 Digit McAfee Activation Code

McAfee Activation

How to Activate McAfee on Windows?

  1. The installed McAfee setup will appear on the Desktop screen. Now, click twice on it to open.

  2. When the prompt comes up, sign in to your McAfee account.

  3. Then go on to enter your McAfee activation code.

  4. The activation process will take a while to complete. After that, you can use it.

How to Activate McAfee on Mac?

  1. Find the McAfee set up on your Desktop screen and click it to open.

  2. After that sign in to your Mac Administrator account.

  3. Enter the alphanumeric activation code on the prompt that will emerge on the screen.

  4. In the end, tap the ‘Finish’ button.

Activate McAfee online From

Open the link, i.e. that is provided on the retail card.

After this, from there, select the country>language>device type.

Then access the McAfee Login account with the McAfee account credentials.

After this, enter the McAfee product key.

Note: The offline buyers can check for the McAfee product key at the back of the retail card.

After entering the product key, proceed further with the downloading and installation procedure.

My McAfee Activation Key is Redeemed or not?

It is very easy to know that your McAfee Activate key is redeemed successfully or not.

    1. Go to page.

    2. Enter your product code and other required details.

    3. If your subscription code has already been used then it'll show you the message about it with the email address you used to redeem. If you are getting any type of error that means your subscription code don't redeemed yet. And not available for install in your account.

Disclaimer : We Are Not, this website is purely for Information Purpose. We only train you on How to Install, Setup and for Activation process.