3 - 6

3 - 6

Chemistry 3-6 kits are available at participating libraries. The kits contain the materials needed for the experiment, a guide written as a parent/child dialogue, and a stamp to be placed on the adult/child team's chemistry passport upon completion of the experiment. We encourage you to provide a notebook for your child to record observations and ideas as well as plan their own follow up experiments. Note that all experiments are meant to be done by both adult and a child partner. Agreement to do this with your child is required for check out of kit.  3-6 Passports are available here and at your local library.  The content list for all kits is available here.

#1: Matter is made up of atoms and molecules

Guide, Spanish Guide

Kit Materials: pepper, oil, salt, play dough, plastic bag, molecular modeling kit, teaspoon, pipettes, test tube with cap, magnifying glass, safety goggles. 

Needed from Home:  water, notebook

Further Exploration:

IBM Images of atoms

Experiments on the States of Matter

Experiments involving magnets and metals

Experiments involving water   

#3: Chromatography can separate!

Guide, Spanish Guide

Kit Materials: chromatography paper, rubbing alcohol, graduated cylinder, pens, ruler, markers, pipettes, beaker with cover, safety glasses

Needed from Home: water, tape, notebook

Further Exploration:

A leaf chromatography experiment from Science Made Simple

#5: Chemicals help us identify

Guide, Spanish Guide

Kit Materials:  cotton swabs, baking soda, vinegar, cream of tartar, color switch markers, test tubes with caps, pipettes, safety goggles.

Needed from home:  red cabbage, water, pan, stove, notebook

Further Exploration:

Experiments about acids and bases

#7: Luminescence is the emmision of light

Guide, Spanish Guide

Kit Materials:  3 glow sticks, beaker with cap, energy level diagram kit, safety goggles

Needed from Home:  water, freezer, scissors, notebook

Further Exploration:

Experiments about motion

#9: Biochemistry happens inside of you!


Kit Contents:  ketchup, vegetable oil, tincture of iodine, sugar cubes, cracker, pasta, cotton swabs, brown paper, covered vials, stirrers, pipette, test tubes with caps, vial of coffee beans, safety goggles.

Needed from Home:  water, notebook

Further Exploration:

Experiments about health and wellness

Experiments about nutrition

Experiments about your senses

#2: Chemistry is happening in your kitchen!    

Guide, Spanish Guide

Kit Materials: baking soda, soap, sugar, vinegar, wax paper, lipstick, beakers, pipettes, graduated cylinder, paper shapes, safety goggles

Needed from Home: water, pan, drinking glass, stick, stove, thread, paper clip, sugar, notebook

Further Exploration:

Experiments about dissolving

Experiments about crystals

Experiments involving food


#4: Polymers are long chains

Guide, Spanish Guide

Kit Materials: saturated borax solution, black plastic bag, brown paper bag, rubber band, Elmer's glue, beaker, table spoon, pipettes, doll stencil, stirrer, plastic bag, safety goggles. 

Needed from Home:  water, pencil, scissors, paper, tape, crayons, notebook

Further Exploration:

Experiments on polymers

Experiments about slime and goo from the ACS

#6:Our eyes and ears detect waves

Guide, Spanish Guide

Kit Contents: red, blue, and green paint, 1 pair diffraction glasses, straw, paint brush, stirrer, string, wooden dowel, cellophane, safety googles.

Needed from Home: metal spoon, light sources, notebook

Further Exploration:

Experiments about light and sound

#8: Chemistry can help the environment


Kit Contents:  food coloring, plastic fork, beaker, mesh screen, rolling pin, play dough, three shells (A, B, C), flower stencil, safety goggles

Needed from home: water, scissors, paper, towels, toilet paper, notebook

Further Exploration:

Experiments about plants

Experiments about recycling

#10: Liquid crystals interact with light


Kit Contents:  thermometer, mood ring, beakers, safety goggles

Needed from Home:  notebook

Further Exploration:

Experiments about motion