
Members of the Legume family, beans are the second most important food item in the world. They have been cultivated for over 6,000 years. Grains and legumes together provide all of the essential amino acids needed by humans.

Click on one of the following categories to see the seeds in each group.

Growing for Seed

Bean flowers are perfect and typically are not cross-pollinated. To prevent cross-pollination, never grow two varieties side by side.

Processing Techniques

Allow bean pods to dry on the plant if possible. Allow beans to fully dry before saving. Roguing* should be done to ensure true to type beans are the only ones being saved. Seed cleaners are available for seed saving, although they can also be shucked by hand.


50% germination for four years under ideal conditions (cool, dry and dark).

* Roguing is the process by which seeds that are not true to type or which do not conform, are culled.