Frequently Asked Questions
How do I contact Mrs. Berger?
Phone @ 651-621-7785
Change in transportation? Write a note (in case there is a guest teacher) and send it to school with your child. If your child's afternoon transportation plan changes during the school day, contact the Turtle Lake office @ 651-621-7700 and the office will deliver the message. If you send an email, I may not see it by the end of the day and a guest teacher does not have access to my email.
Can I come have lunch with my child? Yes! Meet us in the lunchroom by the entrance door across from the 5th grade classrooms at 12:15.
How does snack work? Send one small nut free snack with your child everyday.
Can my child bring a water bottle? Yes! The best water bottles for school have sports caps that can be pushed down to close. Mark your child's name on their water bottle. Please send only water, no flavored drinks.
What time does school start and end? Students can enter the building at 9:05. They need to be in the classroom at 9:20 which is when school starts. Students are dismissed at 4:00.
How do birthdays work? We love to celebrate birthdays! Due to allergies, do not send treats with your child. If your child has a birthday over the weekend, we will celebrate the last day of school before their big day. If your child has a summer birthday, we will celebrate their half birthday. Please do not send birthday invitations to be passed out at school; other student's feelings get hurt when they are not included. Thank you!
Sharing: Check "The Berger Buzz" to see when it is your child's turn to share. I go through the class list and each child is assigned a day to share and then we start the list again. Students share during our Morning Meeting. They can bring one small thing from home to share with the class (no electronics) or just share what is on their mind! This is such a fun way to learn how to ask and answer questions and get to know each other better!
All About Me Posters: Your child will get to make an All About Me poster this year to share with the class. When it is your child's turn, there will be a poster sent home along with the date that the poster should be returned to school. It is so fun to learn about each other!