Summer Math for incoming Honors Statistics Students
Honor Statistics students will read the book "Weapons of Math Destruction" complete the 2 assigned projects listed and will take a quiz on the reading in the first week of school (see PDFs below). Students who wait until the end of the summer will have difficulty completing all at once and will not benefit in class from the ideas within each project. The projects and quiz will be graded and serve as the first grades of Quarter 1.
Veritas (honor policy): Each student is to work individually. Students may discuss the general nature of each project with others but not the specific values being calculated. Each student’s submission is to contain there own originally-derived calculations, observations, and conclusions.
Printing Issues: Some students have had problems printing the project files from a web browser. It is recommended to download each file to the student's computer and printing the downloaded file.
New MCPS Students: Students' who are new to MCPS and whose registration arrives in the front office after 15 July should contact Mrs. Walski for guidance on the summer math.
Questions may be emailed to Mrs. Walski at