Class Information

Make sure to sign up Mrs. Scales' Google Classroom.

Materials: Spiral Notebook, Pencils, Highlighters, Colored Pencils or Markers, Tape or Glue Sticks, MICS Planner, Headphones/Earbuds (aux)

How to Study? Quizlet is a great study tool for vocabulary! Download the app "Quizlet" and it can be access through any mobile device.

Every Monday, students will receive science vocabulary, which is due Wednesdays. During the week your child should be studying their vocabulary on quizlet.

We will learn new material Monday-Wednesday, review Thursday, and take a quiz on Fridays. Your child should be reviewing their notebook weekly to prepare for the quiz on Friday!

Monday: New Vocab. Handed Out

Wednesday: Vocab. Due

Friday: Quizzes/Tests

*Please note there will be other classwork assignments, experiments, projects, and iReady testing in science class.

If your child was absent, please have them see me or get missing papers from the "extra copies" crate in class.

Late Work: Accepted up to 3 days, and each day drops your grade.

1st Day Late 80%

2nd Day 70%

3rd Day 60%

Questions? Message Amanda Scales on Parent Square or contact by emailing