Group News Archives

October 2018: Dr. Lincheng Ju's (Visiting Scientist) last day. 

April 2018: Andrew Katko (starting med school at Toledo in Fall), Delaney Clayton (starting dentistry school at Ohio State in Fall), and Kelly Mason (starting graduate school at Univ Missouri in Fall) presented their research at the 2018 Undergraduate Forum. Callie Miller (2017-18 Beckman Scholar) also presented and will be a junior in the Fall.

April 2018: Alex Bergstrom defended his Ph.D.

July, 2016: Fan Meng successfully defended his Ph.D. dissertation.

June, 2016: Larissa Jennings and Meghan West joined the group as NSF-REU students.

January, 2016: Dr. Zishuo Cheng joined the group. Dr. Cheng earned his Ph.D. from LSU. He is working on the b-lactamase project.

September 2015: The National Science Foundation funded our grant proposal!

August 2015: Mahesh Aitha successfully defended his Ph.D. dissertation. Mahesh's last day at Miami was August 28th. 

April 2015: Hao Yang successfully defended his Ph.D. dissertation today. Congratulations Hao!

April 2015: Mahesh Aitha was offered a postdoctoral associate position in the Steve Benkovic's lab at Penn State University. Mahesh was also recently married in India.

May 2015: Tim and Heather Richmond (BA Chemistry 2011) recently graduated from Ohio State University. Tim earned his MD, and Heather earned her PharmD. Congratulations!

May 2015: Lindsay Moritz, Nick Paz, Omar Sanyurah, and Jon Moller graduated last weekend. Congratulations to all of you! Pictured below is Omar and me at the CAS Recognition ceremony on Saturday night