About Title 1

What is Title 1?

Title 1 is a financial assistance program that enables states and locals schools to reinforce and amplify efforts to improve teaching and learning for students farthest from meeting State standards. Title 1 reaches about 1.5 million students across the state in public and private schools.

What does Title 1 look like at MIS?

Mooresville Intermediate School has a schoolwide Title 1 program. This means we are able to provide reading intervention support to any student who is not performing at grade level based on data collected at benchmarks throughout the year. This data includes previous EOG data, current performance on weekly tests, progress monitoring and teacher observation. Title 1 and classroom teachers work hand in hand to ensure students who need extra support to grow and find success as readers have the opportunity and resources to do so.

When do students receive Title 1 intervention?

Title 1 will never replace core reading instruction, so we do not pull students for small group intervention during their literacy block. TEAM Bobcat and Title 1 are here to supplement the phenomenal instruction your children are already receiving in their homeroom classes.

What resources are used in Title 1?

Here at MIS, we are fortunate to have access to a number of research based intervention programs to help students close the achievement gap and meet their academic goals. Some of our students will participate in the HillRap program. HillRap is a comprehensive, multi-sensory reading intervention program that provides daily intensive instruction in phonological awareness, phonics, fluency, vocabulary and comprehension. Each HillRap group is limited to 4 students and 1 HillRap trained instructor with instruction lasting 30-45 minutes.

TEAM Bobcat will also use Reading A-Z to create reading lessons to support core reading standards, as well as CSI (Comprehension Strategies Instruction), LLI (Leveled Literacy Instruction) and Scholastic Short Reads to provide explicit instruction on the strategies and skills our students need to succeed in their reading classrooms!