ABC's of Second Grade

ABC’s of Second Grade

*** items may be different during remote learning.

Please use this throughout the year as a reference.

A is for:

Absences - If your child will be absent from school, you may email me an excuse at or have a written note when they return to school. If I do not have a note, the absence is unexcused.

***Arrival - School begins promptly at 8:45 a.m. The building opens to students at 8:20 a.m. At this time, students may go the gym until 8:35 a.m. If your child eats breakfast at school, they need to go straight to the cafeteria.

B is for:

***Birthday - Birthdays are special occasions for young children. If your child wishes, they may bring store-bought treats to share with the class. These must be peanut free items. These will be shared during lunch or snack. Please let me know in advance if you are planning to bring a treat. For students with summer birthdays, you may choose a day during the school year to celebrate your child’s special day!

C is for:

Conferences - Parent/Teacher conferences are held in November. At this conference, we will be discussing your child’s accomplishments, strengths, and overall progress. Please feel free to schedule additional conferences at any time throughout the year if the need arises.

D is for:

***Dismissal - All children who do not ride a bus will need to be picked up by an adult specified on the emergency card. School is dismissed at 3:20 p.m. Any changes in your child's transportation, must be in writing. Your child cannot be signed out any later than 2:45. If your child is a car rider, please make sure their placard is in the front window of the car.

E is for:

***Emergency Closings - If schools are closed for any emergency, radio and television stations will make announcements beginning at 6:30 a.m. You will also receive a connect-ed phone message.

Email - You are encouraged to email anytime to help with parent/teacher communication. My email is and I check my email several times a day. If you are emailing about a transportation change, PLEASE send it before noon that day !! I also check Class Dojo messages throughout the day as well.

F is for:

Footwear - Please have your child wear tennis shoes that are appropriate for running and active movement. Shoes must strap to the foot and be appropriate for the gym and the playground. Flip flops and shoes with wheels are not allowed.

G is for:

Guidance -Our guidance teacher is Mrs. Cubert. She is available to the students if they are having a hard time with something. She is also the person to contact if you need financial assistance throughout the year.

H is for:

Homework - Each Monday, your child will receive a weekly homework packet. There is one activity for each day M-Th. The packet should be returned on Friday.

Homework Folders- Please make sure you check your child’s homework folder every night and return it the following day. Please initial their behavior sheet everyday as well and return it in their folder.

I is for:

Illness - The question of when to keep your child home from school is often a difficult one, especially when decisions must be made first thing in the morning. It is important, however, to keep your child home if they are ill. This helps to make them more comfortable and prevents others from becoming ill. Also, if your child is running a fever, we ask that they are fever free for 24 hours before returning to school.

J is for:

Journal writing: We will create a journal this year with all of our writing assignments in it.

K is for:

Kindness - Students in our classroom are encouraged and expected to treat all members of our class as well as others with kindness and respect. Hitting, fighting, name-calling and making fun of others will not be permitted.

L is for:

Lunch - Our lunchtime is from 12:30-1:00. If possible, please send lunch money on Mondays. Checks can be made payable to Rocky River Elementary . Lunch boxes are welcome. Please send money in the baggie(s) we have provided. If you would like to join us for lunch, please do! We ask you to not visit during the first two weeks of school so we learn the routines.

M is for:

Media Center - We will visit the Media Center with Ms. Jayne and Ms. Kouwe. All students will check out books. If they finish a book early, they can go to open book check out in the mornings with my permission.

N is for:

Newsletter - I will send home newsletters to keep you informed of the happenings in our classroom and our school. These will normally be sent home every other Friday through a link on Class Dojo. If you would prefer a hard copy. please let me know. This is a great way to stay abreast of our curriculum, classroom news, special activities and upcoming events.

O is for:

Outside Time - The children will be going outside for 30 minutes of recess every day, weather permitting. It is extremely important that you dress your child appropriately for the playground. Tennis shoes are best for the playground structures.

P is for:

PE - We will have PE with Mr. Cummings. The children are asked to wear tennis shoes and appropriate clothing.

Poem Masters- Each week your child will receive a poem on Monday to glue into their Poem Master’s Journal. They are encouraged to try to memorize it and recite it to the class on Friday afternoons.

R is for:

Report Cards - Report cards are sent home 4 times a year. We will schedule a conference after the first marking period to share the first report card with you personally. These reports reflect the progress your child has made toward various first grade objectives and uses a grading system that reflects the developmental nature of learning.

S is for:

Snack- Snack will be provided daily. Parents are asked to send in $18 per quarter to help with snacks and special learning activities for our class. Checks will be made to RRES and snack can be paid quarterly or $72 for the year.

T is for:

Toys - Please do not allow toys to come to school unless they are a part of a homework assignment.

Transportation - If you plan to pick up a child that normally rides the bus, you must send a written note or email. If no written note is received, your child will be sent home by his/her usual method of transportation. If you need to send an email instead, please make sure you send it before noon on the day of the change.

U is for:

Unique - All students learn in a special and unique way. First Graders have opportunities to describe how they are alike as well as different from others. They share their culture and learn about different cultures within the class.

V is for:

Visitors - Rocky River’s policy is that ALL GUESTS (including familiar faces) are required to check in at the office and wear a visitor’s badge. Visitors need to enter through the main entrance, as all other doors remained locked throughout the day. Rocky River welcomes and encourages family involvement and the presence of a visitor’s badge will help identify visitors to all staff. Visitors will need to scan their drivers license at the kiosk. This is NEW this school year!

Volunteers - We welcome parent involvement and participation. There will be opportunities throughout the year for you to volunteer in our class and in school wide activities. All volunteers will need to have a background check.

W is for:

Website: We have a classroom website on the RRES webpage. We recently switched to a new format, so please bare with me while I get familiar with it.

Y is for:

Younger Siblings - We welcome younger brothers and sisters to come eat lunch with you at school, however, it is a school policy that no younger siblings may attend field trips or come in while volunteering. Thank you for making other arrangements for your little one.

Z is for:

ZZZZZZ’s - Make sure that your child gets plenty of rest. Setting and keeping a routine bedtime is a wonderful gift you can give to your child. It will help them to be alert and ready to learn each day. Be sure to include a bedtime story!