Publications & Presentations


The Sacred Cosmos: Theological, Philosophical, and Scientific Conversations in the Twelfth Century School of Chartres. Scranton, PA. University of Scranton Press, 2007.


"Not Green Enough: A Response to the Green Pope and the Green Patriarch Based on the Dark Green Thought of Thomas Berry". In The International Journal of Environmental Studies. Volume 69, Issue 3, June 2012, 524-539.

"Preparing and Adapting our Campuses for the Effects of Climate Change", with Kori Swieter. In Planning for Higher Education. Volume, 44 Number 1, October -December, 2015.

Conference Proceedings and Public Audience

"Building a Proactive Retention Plan for At-Risk Student: Siena's Early Warning and Retention Team (SEWART)" National Symposium on Student Retention, Norfolk, VA, November 2, 2017. Also published in the proceedings of the Symposium, 67-78.

“Don’t Think Your Campus Needs to Prepare for Climate Change?: Here’s Why You’re Wrong”. Chronicle of Higher Education. May 3, 2019, B36-37.

Book Chapters

“Exposing the Roots and Healing the Wounds of Religiously Sanctioned Violence”. In Ruminations on Violence. Derek Pardue, ed. Long Grove, Il.: Waveland Press, 2008.

“The Thought of Thomas Berry as the Groundwork for a Dark Green Catholic Theology”. In Confronting the Climate Crisis: Catholic Theological Perspectives. Jame Shaefer, ed. Marquette Wisconsin: Marquette University Press, 2011.

“Thomas Berry’s Challenge: Recognizing the Great Self in the Great Work”. In Living Cosmology: Christian Responses to Journey of the Universe. Mary Evelyn Tucker and John Grim, ed. Maryknoll, NY: Orbis Books, 2016.

Encyclopedia Articles

“Bernard of Chartres” in The New Catholic Encyclopedia, Vol, 2, 307, 2002.

“William of Conches” in The New Catholic Encyclopedia, Vol, 14, 738-740, 2002.

“Thierry of Chartres” in The New Catholic Encyclopedia, Vol, 14, 2-3, 2002.

“John of Salisbury” in The New Catholic Encyclopedia, Vol 7, 984-985, 2002.

“Bernard Silvester” in The New Catholic Encyclopedia, Vol 2, 317-18, 2002.

“Alan of Lille” in The New Catholic Encyclopedia, Vol, 205-206, 2002.

Book Reviews

Mizelle, Richard. Backwater Blues: The Mississippi Flood of 1927 in the African American Imagination, The International Journal of Environmental Studies. Volume 73, Issue 1, January 2016, pages 148-151.

Helm, Dieter. The Carbon Crunch: How We’re Getting Climate Change Wrong – And How to Fix It, The International Journal of Environmental Studies. Volume 70, Issue 5, October 2013, 826-832

Heberlein, Thomas. Navigating Environmental Attitudes, International Journal of Environmental Studies. Vol. 70, Issue 2, April, 2013

Berry, Thomas. The Christian Future and the Fate of Earth, World Views: Global Religions, Culture, and Ecology. Vol. 10 June, 2012

Berry, Thomas. The Sacred Universe International, International Journal of Environmental Studies.Vol. 67, Issue 5, October, 2012

Hudson, Nancy. Becoming God: The Doctrine of Theosis in Nicholas of Cusa, Horizons: Journal of the College Theology Society. Vol. 35, 2008

Phan, Peter C., Christianity with an Asian Face. MultiCultural Review. Vol. 12 December, 2003

Van Gorder, A. Christian. No God but God: A Path to Muslim-Christian Dialogue, MultiCultural Review. Vol. 12 December, 2003


"Building a Proactive Retention Plan for At-Risk Student: Siena's Early Waring and Retention Team (SEWART)" National Symposium on Student Retention, Norfolk, VA, November 2, 2017.

"Thomas Berry’s Challenge: Recognizing the Great Self in the Great Work," Living Cosmology Conference, Yale Divinity School, November 8, 2014.

"After the Cataclysm: A Berrian Approach to Removing the Obstacles to a Dark Green Transformation of Higher Education” Environmental Consortium Conference, Panel, Marist College, Poughkeepsie, NY, Oct 27, 2012

“Thomas Berry’s Groundwork for a Dark Green Catholic Theology” CTSA Conference, Cleveland, OH, June 10, 2010

“The Visions of MLK and Barack Obama: Social Critics, Preachers, and the Popular Press” AAR, International Conference, Montreal, Nov 7, 2009

“The Role of Science in the Age of Faith: The Early Twelfth Century” Medieval and Renaissance Forum, Plymouth State, NH, April 26, 2008

“The Enemies of Reason and ‘New Things’ in the Early Twelfth Century” Medieval and Renaissance Forum, Plymouth State, NH, April 27, 2007

“Christian Social Teaching and Today’s College Classroom: The Missing Link of Advocacy” AAR International Conference, Atlanta, Nov. 22, 2003

“Walking the Labyrinth in Medieval and Modern Times” Convivium Conference, Siena College, Oct. 11, 2003

“The Body in the Twelfth Century Neo-Platonic Thought of William of Conches” AAR International Conference, Toronto, Nov. 25, 2002

“Sufis in a Shaker Village, Bring the Kids: A Study of Life in the Abode of the Message, a Contemporary Sufi Community in Upstate NY” AAR, International Conference, Toronto, Nov. 25, 2002

“Human Bodies, Human Souls and the World Soul in Twelfth Century Chartrian Tradition” Convivium Conference, Siena College, Oct. 11, 2002

“The World Soul in the Philosophy of William of Conches” Platonism, Neoplatonism and Literature Conference, Orono, ME, June 29, 2002

“Thierry of Chartres’ Rebuke of the Cornificians: Etched in Stone” International Congress of Medieval Studies, Kalamazoo, MI, May 2, 2002

“The World Soul: The Spirituality of the School of Chartres and Our Ecological Crisis” AAR International Conference, Denver, Nov. 18, 2001

“The Poverty of St. Francis and St. Clare as Paradigmatic for Life Lived in an Ecological Age” Convivium Medieval Conference, Siena College, Oct. 12, 2001

“The Epistemology of Illumination in the Writings of Thierry of Chartres” International Congress of Medieval Studies, Kalamazoo, MI, May 4, 2001

“The Metaphysical and Theological Foundations in the Internationalism in the Twelfth Century School of Chartres” International Congress of Medieval Studies, Kalamazoo, MI

“Post Apocalyptic Blues: Or What Happens When Nothing Happens in Millennialisms in the Americas” AAR Eastern Regional Conference, Syracuse, NY

“The Theology of the School of Chartres and the Labyrinth of Chartres Cathedral” AAR International Conference, San Francisco, CA, Nov. 24, 1997

Moderator, Presider, Organizer, Participant , or Respondent

Participant – by invitation of the Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew I – Toward a Greener Attica: Preserving the Planet and Protecting its People, June 5-8, 2018, The Saronic Islands, Greece

Respondent, Lecture by Dan Scheid, The Moral Vision of Laudato Si, November 4th, Siena College, 2015

Participant – by invitation of the Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew I – in The Halki Summit II: Theology , Ecology and the Word, Heybeliada Turkey , June 6-8, 2015 (

Co-Convener: Theology and Ecology Group CTSA, San Antonio, TX, June 9, 2006

Moderator: Theology and Ecology Group CTSA, Reston, VA, June 12, 2004

Presider: Comparative Approaches to the Work of Shusaku Edo, AAR, Conference, Atlanta Nov. 23, 2003

Presider: Women’s Images of Union, Secular and Sacred Convivium Conference, Siena College, Oct. 12, 2002

Organizer: The West Façade of Chartres: Philosophy, Theology, the Liberal Arts and Science, International Congress of Medieval Studies, Kalamazoo, MI May 2, 2002

Presider: Peacock Tales, Convivium Conference, Siena College Oct. 14, 2000

Public Lectures

"A Mindfulness Based Response to Climate Policy Changes" Unitarian Universalist Church, North Parish of North Andover, MA, Feb 26, 2017

"A Long Way from Birmingham: Rev. Wright, President Obama and the ‘Santa Clausification’ of MLK” MLK Lecture Series, Siena College, Feb 18 2010

“The God Delusion” by Richard Dawkins, Panel Discussion, Siena College, Popular Books Series, Feb. 21, 2007

“Religion and Contemporary Science” Public Lecture, Universalist Unitarian Church, Glenn Falls, NY, Dec. 8, 2002

“Ecological Theology” Marist College, Humanities Lecture Series, May, 3 1996

“Feminist Theology: An Interpretation of the Christian Understanding of God” Marist College, Women’s Studies Program, April, 10 1995