Dr. Ellard's Writings Referenced in Other Publications

Quoted or Referenced:

1- Rethinking the School of Chartres, Edouard Jeauneau, Translated by Claude Paul Desmarais 2009.  (Jeauneau is the  foremost expert on the School of Chartres).

2- Gian Carlo Garfagnini, Cosmologie medieval, Edizioni ETS,  2017 

3- Gothic Architecture and the Liturgy of Construction Lindy Weston University of Kent, Canterbury, U.K. Vilmos Czikkely, Artes - Pro und Kontra VI Untersuchungen zum gesellschaftlichen Diskurs zu Kunst, Wissenschaft und Technik Kapitel 8 und 9 , Hamburg: 2015

4- Christianity’s Content: (Neo)Platonism in the Middle Ages, Its Theoretical and Theological Appeal,  Willemien Otten  Numen, Volume 63, Issue 2-3,  245 – 270, 2016

5- Pythagoras in the Sacred Cosmos of Chartres Cathedral Patricia Trutty-Coohill in Phenomenology of Space and Time: The   Forces of the Cosmos and the Ontopoietic Genesis of Life: Book Two (pp.37-53) January 2014

6- Making All Things New: Catholicity, Cosmology, Consciousness By Delio, Ilia

7- The Unbearable Wholeness of Being by Ilia Delio 

      8- Divine Love in the Medieval Cosmos: The Cosmologies of Hildegard of Bingen and Herman of Carinthia , Jack Ford 

      9- Preservation and Protest, Ryan Patrick McLaughlin
    10- Katherine Miller, EL CONCEPTO DE LA CIENCIA MEDIEVALNO ES UNA CONTRADICCIÓN EN TÉRMINOS , Revista Realidad, 117, 2008 


   12-  Scientia in Twelfth Century Philosophy in the Latin West, Rafael Nájera Dissertation, Department of PhilosophyMcGill
            University, MontrealMarch 201

    13- Textual and Intellectual Reception of Arabic Astral Theories in the Twelfth Century  Liana Saif, in The Arabic Influences on Early Modern Occult Philosophy pp  46-69

    14The Disconnected Zodiac:   Blog  Guest Post by Richard J. Legault

    15 -Willemien Otten, Christianity’s Content: (Neo)Platonism in the Middle Ages, Its Theoretical and Theological Appeal
            in Numen, 63 (23):245-270, 2016.

    16- Joseph Milne Mystical Aspects of Christian Cosmology ,  in Medieval Mystical Theology, Vol 20, 2011, Issue 1, 47-65

   17- Newsletters of Trinity Lutheran Church and the St. Paul's Episcopal , Tuesday, June 8, 2021

   18- The Perennial Philosophy and the Recovery of a Theophanic View of Nature  Jeremy Naydler

  20-From ‘Smart Planet’ to Sacred Earth: Technology and the Resacralization of Nature and the Human Being Jeremy Naydler: The Lincoln Centre, 18 Lincoln’s  Inn Fields, London  28th September, 2020

  21-  Marie George,  Is Eco-theologian Thomas Berry a Thomist? in  Scientia et Fides 7(1):47,  January 2019

  22- Ryan Patrick McLaughlin, Duquesne University, Doctorate Thesis, " Theological Foundations for an Ethics of Cosmocentric Transfiguration: Navigating  the EcoTheological Poles of Conservation, Transfiguration, Anthropocentrism, and Cosmocentrism with Regard to the Relationship Between Humans and Individual Nonhuman Animals", 2013.

23-  Daniel P. Scheid, The Cosmic Common Good: Religious Grounds for Ecological Ethics., Oxford University Press, 2016.

24- Justin A. Haynes, The Medieval Classic: Twelfth-Century Latin Epic and the Virgilian Commentary Tradition, Oxford university Press, 2021.

25-Schabert, Tilo. The Figure of Modernity: On the Irregularity of an Epoch, Berlin, Boston: De Gruyter, 2020, pp. 12-29.  

26- Lektüre  zum Kreis  von  Chartres Ph. Roelli, FS12,
27- The Cambridge History of Medieval Philosophy, Edited by Robert Pasnau, 2014.

28- Laurie Brink,  OP. The  Heavens Are Telling   the Glory of God An  Emerging  Chapter  for  Religious  Life Science,  Theology,  and Mission, Liturgical Press, 2020.

29- Liana Saif, The Arabic Influences on Early Modern Occult Philosophy,2015.

30- Burton, S  2018, 'Contested legacies of the late Middle Ages: Reason, mystery and participation in Jan Amos Comenius and Richard Baxter',  Acta Comeniana.

31- George Latura. MILKY WAY VICISSITUDES: MACROBIUS TO GALILEO, Mediterranean Archaeology and Archaeometry, Vol. 18, No. 4 , (2018 ), pp. 3 19-325.

32- Texas Community College Teachers Association, "Colleges and Climate Change",  

33- Peter Adamson, “The Universe Is an Animal” in  The World Soul in Medieval Philosophy, 2021.

34- The Fellowship of the Inner Abbey, Magister Amalricius  

35-Somyong Lee, The Mystique of Earth: An Exploration of Eco via Thomas Merton’s mysticism Encounters with Zen in Dialogue with Thomas Berry. Doctor of Philosophy in Theological Studies, St. Michael’s College and the University of Toronto 2022

36-Claudio Ternullo,  La nozione di iusticia fra ordine politico e cosmologico nelle Glosae super Platonem di Bernardo di Chartres e Gugliemo di Conches, Synaxis, XXXIII (2-3), 101-134, 2016

37-Lindy Weston, University of Kent – School of Architecture Doctoral Dissertation, 2018 "Gothic Architecture and the Liturgy in Construction".

Recommend Reading for:

1- The Wisdom School onsite program on Chartres School, Cathedral and its spiritualit

2- University of Wales course AHAN7006, Sacred Geography, 2012 , Nicholas Campion

3- The Invisible College 

4- The History of Philosophy

5 - FYI France