Orientation and Personal Space

    1. National and State PE Standards Addressed
      • Movement/Skills:
        1. Spatial awareness
        2. Spatial relationships
        3. Non-locomotor skills
      • Fitness:
        1. Participates in physical activities that are enjoyable and challenging.
      • Personal/Social:
        1. Participates
        2. Appreciates
        3. Enjoys movement
        4. Cooperates in large group activities
      • Academic Integration:
        1. Science and Social Studies
          • Let's blow giant pretend bubbles around ourselves. This is your personal space. What makes bubbles float and pop?
          • Who can name an animal that moves forward? Sideways? Backwards?
          • Why don't we move backwards more during PE class? Safety!
        2. Vocabulary:
          • Home base, personal space, straddle