Orientation to SPARK PE

    1. Introduce SPARK PE
      • Physical education is essential for every BODY.
    2. Instruct SPARK PE Class Expectations
      • What are the benefits of physical activity:
        1. Reduces stress, increases muscular strength and endurance, strengthens cardiovascular system and bone density, defends against heart disease, Type 2 diabetes, and some forms of cancer.
        2. Improves participation in lifetime sports and recreation.
        3. Provides opportunities to work with others, make new friends and have fun.
        4. Increases energy levels, alertness and productivity.
        5. Helps people respond better to emergencies.
        6. Assists in weight control.
        7. Helps people look and feel better about themselves.
      • Behavior Expectations:

Physical education is a class, like social studies or math. I expect your behavior to be the same in PE as it is in our classroom.

        • PE is not free play or recess.
        • PE is not athletic competition.
        • PE is organized instruction to help improve the fitness and skills of everyone. Most of all, it's active and fun!
        • PE will be graded.

3. Explain SPARK PE Requirements

          • When we meet for PE, you need to be ready. Wear comfortable clothes and athletic shoes.
          • If unable to participate, you must bring a note from home.
          • At the end of today's lesson, you will receive a letter to take home to your parents/guardians. It tells them when PE will be scheduled, so they can help you to be prepared.

4. Teach the First Social Skill

          • 3rd Grade: Responsibility - "What might your personal and group responsibilities be in this class?" (E.g., Listen and follow directions, giver your best effort, maintain a positive attitude even if the activity that day isn't your favorite, etc.)
          • 4th Grade: Encouragement - "Encouraging others is a sign of personal strength and confidence. See if you can make at least 1 encouraging statement every class."
          • 5th Grade: Competition - "Whether your group is ahead or behind when our time ends is not important. How you handle it is. What are appropriate ways to behave when ahead? When behind?
          • 6th Grade: Share Ideas - "When we work in groups, do you pitch in and play a supportive role? Do you raise your hand and contribute to discussions? Offer creative ideas to your partner or group?"

5. Transition to Activity Area

          • This is where we meet for SPARK PE.

6. Name Game

7. Distribute Parent Letters