Legislative Squadron

CAP Legislative Members

There are two categories of legislative membership in CAP; one for the national legislative unit (designated the Congressional Squadron) and the other for state legislative squadrons. Members in both categories may participate in CAP programs if they meet the same criteria and regulations as active members do.

Civil Air Patrol’s Congressional Squadron is open to Members of the U.S. Congress, their staff and federally appointed officials. Membership is honorary (and complimentary) and carries a number of benefits. There is no obligation on the part of Members of Congress or staff to participate in the CAP program but may do so if they so chose. Members of Congress are presented with a certificate of membership (suitable for framing) by the wing commander or his designee at a ceremony in Washington or in the Member’s home state/district.

CAP wings may also have legislative squadrons similar to the Congressional Squadron for their state legislatures. State legislative squadrons are open to all members of the state legislature, elected state officials and key staff members.

For further information on the state legislative squadron contact CAP Government Relations at keith.raymond@mawg.cap.gov. For legislative member issues (requirements, membership process, etc.) please contact CAP Membership and Personnel.

Membership in the Legislative Squadron is open to all state legislators, elected state officials, and key legislative staff. Membership is honorary and includes the CAP rank of major, the ability to fly in CAP aircraft and participate in CAP missions.

Through their membership, the legislative leaders show support of the volunteer efforts of the CAP. Members are invited to expand their participation in the program to include emergency services, aerospace education, and cadet program support in their hometowns.



Monday, April 25th was a great day for Massachusetts Wing of the Civil Air Patrol. This was the day that members of the Massachusetts Wing accepted a Citation from the House of Representatives recognizing CAP's 75 years of service to our nation.

The ceremony began in front of the full House Chambers with the Hanscom Composite Squadron Color Guard posting the Colors, followed by C/Col Raul Cott, from the Boston Cadet Squadron leading everyone in the Pledge of Allegiance.

After some brief remarks, House Speaker DeLeo called forward Lt Colonel John Flaherty, Massachusetts Vice Commander and Lt Colonel Diane Zamot, Massachusetts Wing Legislative Advisor to the podium for the reading of the Citation by Representative David Vieira.

The Citation read in part: "The Massachusetts House of Representatives offers its sincerest congratulations to: Massachusetts Wing - Civil Air Patrol; United States Air Force Auxiliary in recognition of the 75th Anniversary of the Civil Air Patrol and your tireless volunteer service to the national defense of the United States. The entire membership extends its very best wishes and expresses the hope for future good fortune and continued success in all endeavors." It was signed by Robert DeLeo, Speaker of the House and the following State Representatives: Kenneth Gordon, Kate Hogan, Harold P. Naughton, Jr, Sarah Peake, and David T. Vieira.

Since its earliest days, when more than 200,000 Americans responded to the call for service by volunteering during World War II, Civil Air Patrol has kept a vigilant watch on the homeland.

Since 2010, CAP has responded to both natural and man made disasters, including the Deepwater Horizon oil spill on the Gulf Coast, Hurricane Sandy on the Eastern Seaboard and tornadoes in the South and Southwest.

CAP’s search and rescue efforts, aided by advances in technology, have resulted in nearly 400 lives saved nationwide in the last six years. CAP also provides air defense exercises for Air Force fighters protecting U.S. airspace and helps train U.S. troops before they deploy overseas.

The 75th anniversary celebration is our time to raise our flag, to show our colors.

Civil Air Patrol, the official auxiliary of the U.S. Air Force, is a nonprofit organization with 56,000 members nationwide, operating a fleet of 550 aircraft. CAP, in its Air Force auxiliary role, performs about 90 percent of continental U.S. inland search and rescue missions as tasked by the Air Force Rescue Coordination Center and is credited by the AFRCC with saving an average of 78 lives annually. Its unpaid professionals also perform homeland security, disaster relief and drug interdiction missions at the request of federal, state and local agencies. The members play a leading role in aerospace education and serve as mentors to 24,000 young people currently participating in the CAP cadet programs. Performing missions for America for the past 74 years, CAP received the Congressional Gold Medal in 2014 in honor of the heroic efforts of its World War II veterans. CAP also participates in Wreaths Across America, an initiative to remember, honor and teach about the sacrifices of U.S. military veterans. Visit www.capvolunteernow.com for more information

Massachusetts Wing welcomes two new members of the CAP Congressional Squadron.

Colonel Everett Hume, Massachusetts Wing Commander welcomes U.S Representatives Jim McGovern, representing the 9th Congressional District and Bill Keating, representing the 2nd Congressional District as members of the Congressional Squadron in two small ceremonies.

McGovern and Keating were awarded the rank of Lt Colonel, presented Civil Air Patrol membership certificates and invited to participate in CAP activities, including flying in any of the Massachusetts Wing CAP aircraft based in Massachusetts.

The Civil Air Patrol Congressional Squadron is open to Members of Congress and their staff members. Membership is honorary and carries a number of benefits.

Membership expresses the legislators’ support for CAP

Massachusetts Wing State Legislative Squadron Members, NER-MA-099