AE Websites

Here are some interesting links. Please email me with any new links, or if any link appears to be broken. See the STEM Camps page for more links regarding programs for teens.


AOPA’sPath to Aviation — this site has lots of hands-on activities for learning the basics of flying, as well as great material you can use as hand-outs.

NationalAviation Hall of Fame — lots of good historical data, plus lesson plans for math, science, social studies, etc.

Wright Experience — The Wright Experience recreated the 1903 Wright Flyer for the centennial of flight, and this website provides educators with material discussing the Wright’s aircraft, engines, wind tunnel, etc.

Science Toys — Make science toys with common household materials!

SR-71 Online — An on-line aircraft museum for not only the SR-71, but other military aircraft.

TU Delft Paper Models — “Freeware” designs for creating models of paper planes and spacecraft.

NASA “Smart Skies” — Great aviation-related math applications.

Every Airplane Ever Built — You will be able pull up every airplane that was built in every country in the world and every aircraft company. Want to check out almost any airplane ever built in the world? Old, new, military, civilian?

"Bold Method" — Lots of fun, interactive aviation quizzes.

Future & Active Pilot Advisors — This is a great website for those who'd like to consider a career as a pilot. They hold many in-person and online streaming forums throughout the year.

Aeronautics eBooks - A NASA site with lots of downloadable eBooks on a variety of subjects.


Solar System Exploration Paper Models — Plans for paper models of various satellites.

TU Delft Paper Models — “Freeware” designs for creating models of paper planes and spacecraft.

NASA Kids — The “parent” page of the solar system exploration paper models, this has lots of background material on the planets, rocket design, etc., as well as simulations for teaching various concepts.

NASA ISS — The official web site for the International Space Station. You can get some great AE current events from here, too!

NASA Space Place — Lots of hands-on activities, although mostly geared toward elementary-school-age students.

AGC Simulator — This website details how someone created an emulator for the Apollo Guidance Computer on a PDA.

Ion Propulsion — A fun, fact-filled YouTube video from the Jet Propulsion Lab explaining how ion propulsion works. Dawn, a space probe in orbit around the dwarf planet (formerly known as an asteroid) Ceres, is the first spacecraft to use ion propulsion.

Lonely Curiosity Rover sings "Happy Birthday" to itself — In a scenario that could only be dreamt up by nerdy NASA scientists, those at NASA’s Goddard Space Flight Center decided that the Mars Curiosity rover was “born” on 5 Aug 2012, since that’s when it landed on Mars. Furthermore, the SAM (Sample Analysis on Mars) experiment on Curiosity involves vibrating the soil to get it to enter the experiment, so the scientists set up a vibration pattern each year on 5 Aug to sing “Happy Birthday," as this YouTube video describes.


Iridium Flares (Heavens Above) — Iridium Flares are WAY COOL. Imagine watching a satellite move through the sky, then suddenly it becomes hundreds or thousands of times brighter. It’s due to the sunlight reflecting off the solar panels. This site also lists passes for the International Space Station. You’ll have to set it up for your viewing location.

Satellite Tracking — Satellites, space shuttle, Russian Progress rockets, ISS...find out when you can see them.

Sky & Telescope — This is the official website of S&T magazine, and has lots of astronomical news. You can also create star charts, and sign up for their weekly current-events email.

Eclipse Tracker — Find out when and where you can see eclipses (solar and lunar).

Hotel Mauna Kea — A YouTube video poking fun at the Eagles’ Hotel California song, but this one with an astronomical twist!

Space Weather — News and information about the Sun-Earth Environment, including Aurora Alerts.

Astronomy Observations — The Skylight Astronomical Society, based in Stow, MA, conducts monthly public telescope nights.

Aldrich Astronomical Society — The Aldrich Astronomical Society has an extensive public outreach program, with public telescope nights every Saturday, great guest speakers, and a program to get telescopes into libraries that the libraries could then lend out (just like books!).


First Robotics — Team robotics competitions.

Young Scientist Challenge — you may get $25,000 if you win! For grades 5-8.

Cool STEM sites — "239 Cool Sites About Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math"

National Science Teachers Foundation — Freebies for Science Teachers!

Nanowerk — Lots of news, resources, and examples about nanotechnology

Reach for the Stars — Annual national model-rocket competition. Finalists compete at Space Camp in Huntsville, AL!

Sally Ride EarthKAM — Educational outreach program to enable students, teachers, and the public to learn about Earth from the unique perspective of space.

A guide to Robotics Technology — Created by Mapcon Technologies; provides a history of the use of robots, robotic components, robotic maps, etc.

STEAM Teaching Resources for Educators — Courtesy of Concordia University (Portland, OR); activities, resources, info on grants, etc.

Data Analytics Tools for STEM Teachers — From the University of Maryland; a great discussion about what Data Analytics is, how to pursue a career in it, and tools teachers can use to bring it into their classrooms.

Future Engineers — Check out the Challenges section for activities that teachers/AEOs can bring into the classrooms/squadrons.

Engineering Grad Schools — This website details the types of engineering graduate schools, including what sorts of projects engineers work on. The website also has some excellent hands-on activities. Although this is geared toward graduate programs, this is a good resource for those entering college.

A Mighty Girl — Geared mostly to younger girls, "the world's largest collection of books, toys and movies for smart, confident, and courageous girls," including STEM stuff.

STEM Activities and Games — about 25 activities and games you can use in your class or squadron!

Virtual STEM Resources for High School Students — This guide will present common obstacles that high school students might face, as well as solutions and resources to support and adapt their learning in the new digital environment.

Remote STEM Learning Resource Guide — This page has lots of great lesson plans that can be used in the remote-learning environment!


The House of Rapp — This site is authored by Ron Rapp, a professional charter pilot, who has an engaging writing style! And check out his "Ten Aviation Blogs Worth Reading"!

Women in Aviation: Past, Present and Future — A blog created by AeroGuard Flight Training Center showing the history of women in the cockpit.

Virtual STEM Resources for High School Students — This guide will present common obstacles that high school students might face, as well as solutions and resources to support and adapt their learning in the new digital environment.


STEM Education — This website gives lots of information on how to become a STEM teacher, including scholarships and ways to fast-track to certification.

Professional Resources for Women and Minorities in STEM — This guide contains lots of good information about how to get started in STEM, linking up with a mentor, how to write a college essay, etc.

STEM Scholarships — Created by the same organization that created the Women/Minorities website above, this provides an exhaustive list of STEM scholarships available, including those available to women and minorities.

Women in STEM and Gender Gap — Created by Maryville University in St. Louis, MO, this site discusses the gender gap in STEM, history of women in STEM, obstacles, and resources.

Women in Aviation: Past, Present and Future — A blog created by AeroGuard Flight Training Center showing the history of women in the cockpit.

Engineering Grad Schools — This website details the types of engineering ground schools, including what sorts of projects engineers work on. The website also has some excellent hands-on activities. Although this is geared toward graduate programs, this is a good resource for those entering college.

Lesson Plans

AE Resources — Malcolm Dickenson, former NER Internal AE, created this website. It hasn’t been updated for many years, but has great ideas for projects!

AOPA’sPath to Aviation — this site has lots of hands-on activities for learning the basics of flying.

NASA Kids — Background material on the planets and rocket design; simulations for teaching various concepts; paper models.

"Jeopardy" — Wyoming Wing created a “Jeopardy” program for each of the six Aerospace Dimensions books.

National Science Teachers Foundation — Freebies for Science Teachers!

STEM Activities and Games — about 25 activities and games you can use in your class or squadron!