CAD Technologies

Welcome to CAD Technologies!

Intro to CAD Technologies: In this course students will learn to use CAD (Computer Aided Design) programs to create 2D and 3D designs. These designs can be used to create products using the Laser Engraver, 3D printers and CNC (computer numeric controlled) Router and Plasma Torch. It is our hope that students will learn skills in CAD (Computer-Aided Design) and CNC (Computer Numeric Control) that they can use in future employment.

Advanced CAD Technologies: This course is a continuation of the Intro course. Students will continue to hone their skills with the CAD programs as well as have the opportunity to produce projects on a 3D Printer, Laser Cutter and Engraver, CNC Router and CNC Plasma table. Students will complete drawings with little step-by-step assistance, relying on their knowledge and abilities gained in the intro course. From there, students will be tasked with a larger design project, utilizing the various technologies available to them.

Important Links

Course Documents


Student Projects