The Team
Dr. Marta CivilPrincipal Investigator
My research in mathematics education spreads over two areas: teacher education and equity in mathematics education. In particular my focus is on a socio-cultural approach to the mathematics education of ethnic and language minority students (school age and adults).
My overall research interest in teacher education is in the area of elementary teachers' (preservice and practicing) understanding of and beliefs about mathematics, its teaching and its learning.
Dr. Jesús
For the past three years, Acosta has been the coordinator of student exchange programs with South America and France. His areas of interest are teaching and learning mathematics and the impact of educational policies in Mexican and Mexican American communities.
kstoehr@scu.eduKathleen’s research interests are on a variety of issues that relate to preservice and early career teachers’ processes and understandings of learning to teach. Through the use of narrative inquiry, she has explored equity and social justice issues of language, race, culture, and gender that occur in the classroom. Her primary research involves comprehensive and detailed studies of the experiences of mathematics anxiety that some women elementary preservice teachers encounter.
Dr. Rosi Andrade
Rosi Andrade, Ph.D. is a Research Professor with the Southwest Institute of Research on Women (SIROW) in the College of Social and Behavioral Sciences at the University of Arizona, and holds a Ph.D. in Reading with a minor in Chicana Literature. Dr. Andrade is interested in the social, cultural, and political experiences of Latinos.
Dr. Kathy Stoehr
Co-Principal Investigator
José Franco
Co-Principal Investigator (2016-17)
As Co-Director of WestEd's Math Pathways & Pitfalls, Jose Franco helps to develop professional learning online modules and disseminate materials. Math Pathways & Pitfalls supports teaching practices and materials to improve students' mathematics achievement and academic language development. In 2009, the first-of-its-kind K-8 intervention curriculum was developed for educators as a series of books, posters, CDs, and DVDs.
Fany SalazarResearch Assistant
Fany is a doctoral student at the University of Arizona in the Department of Mathematics. She is interested in study and learn about the knowledge that parents and children can bring to the classroom.
Maggie Hackett
Maggie is the K-12 Math & Science Coordinator in Sunnyside Unified School District and a doctoral candidate at the University of Arizona. Her dissertation research is focused on the intersection between teachers' beliefs and their instructional practices.