Personal, Social, Health and Economic Education (PSHE) at Manor enables pupils to develop positive attitudes and behaviours. It supports pupils in making informed decisions and judgements, developing their own role within their community and within society. PSHE encourages respect for others and their opinions and promotes self-esteem. It teaches about a healthy lifestyle, both physically and emotionally and children learn about keeping themselves safe.
At Manor, the teaching of PSHE gives the children the skills, knowledge and understanding to be able to live happy, healthy and safe lives – now and in the future.
Children learn:
To develop enjoyable relationships, including how to solve problems in friendships
To know how to keep their minds and bodies healthy and safe, including protective behaviours off and on-line
To respect and value differences of culture, ethnicity, ability, gender, family, beliefs
Understand the rights of the child and laws / rules in place to enjoy a happy, healthy and safe childhood
To develop their economic wellbeing
About democracy and the rule of law
Within the curriculum are opportunities to develop the essential skills of identity, self-awareness, resilience, managing feelings and getting on with others. Our curriculum also promotes attributes such as kindness, respect and independence.
The PSHE curriculum delivered at the school aims to cover all statutory requirements outlined in Statutory Government Guidance. PSHE is taught in each class on a weekly basis, using our enquiry-based approach. We use Jigsaw 3-11 Programme (which includes statutory Relationships and Health Education) in a spiral and progressive scheme of work. Our enquiry questions drive the children’s learning and are linked to the termly themes of Jigsaw. They consist of six half-term units of work, each containing six lessons for each academic year. These are:
Term 1: Being Me in My World
Term 2: Celebrating Difference (including anti-bullying)
Term 3: Dreams and Goals
Term 4: Healthy Me
Term 5: Relationships
Term 6: Changing Me (including Sex Education)
Lessons are delivered in a way that ensures pupils feel safe and encourages participation. We use a variety of teaching approaches with opportunities to develop critical thinking and relationship skills. Pupil voice is used to ensure lessons meet the needs of our children and are adapted accordingly.
We use different ways to find out what the children know. We encourage the children to talk and to share ideas and knowledge in a safe learning environment. They are able to voice their opinions confidently and appreciate others’ points of view. Children answer their termly enquiry questions as a way of assessing their learning. Monitoring includes scrutiny of work and interviews with pupils. This ensures curriculum coverage and shows that teaching extends and deepens pupils’ learning consistently well across the curriculum, including for the most able.