


In computing, we want children to be confident and independent users of technology. We intend to teach a balanced computing curriculum, which inspires creativity and creates digitally literate members of society in an ever-changing technological world. Children at Manor learn how to keep themselves and others safe when using the internet, allowing them to responsibly navigate the online world. Through computer science, children will be taught the principles of information and computation, to explore digital systems and how to successfully put this knowledge to use through programming.


At Manor, we have started using a new computing curriculum created by the National Centre for Computing Education (NCCE). Each year the children will have the opportunity to build on prior knowledge, using a range of apps and websites to explore the computing curriculum. The NCCE is used across years 1-6. Computing is introduced in Foundation Stage and is designed to equip them with the fluency skills (mouse control and typing) to be ready for year 1 learning.


As a weekly taught lesson, links are made to computing across the curriculum in a way that is flexible, relevant and engages children’s interests. Teachers model key behaviours for E-Safety in their use of technology with the class throughout the week to enable children to understand the importance of online responsibility and be equipped with the skills to keep themselves safe. Children will recognise computing as a discrete subject as well as it being integrated into their everyday learning, to equip them with the skills for life.