Welcome To the garden

Even if you've never planted a seed before - you can grow a garden! This project is to help you get started with lots of low or no cost ideas and resources where you can 'dig deeper' to learn more about gardens. If you want to have a garden and you need some seeds to get you started, we can help. The Community Caring Collaborative is providing enough seeds to help plant 50 small Downeast Family Gardens. When you sign up on the cccmaine.org site, look for the Victory Garden link. Fill out the registration form and we will send you links and updates.

Through the growing season I will check in with you and share ideas and suggestions via either this page or YouTube. I will post a brief video about our Downeast Family Garden Project regularly and also connect you with some great resources to help you learn more about the topics that we talked about in the video that week.

We want to see what you are doing! We'll be asking for photos of what you are growing and you'll have a chance to ask any questions about gardening and get help. We might try planning a few zoom Victory garden group meetings to meet other families and hear about and help them with their victory gardens. We want to hear from you. If you send us 3 or more updates with a photo, you can earn a Victory Garden Certificate and some seeds for next year.

Use this link to upload your photos:


tomato image
onions image
cabbage image