
May 2024

Lehigh Team at EWRI Congress 2024

It was great to attend EWRI congress 2024 and listen to the excellent presentations made by the Lehigh team. I had the pleasure to collaborate on four papers with Concise Laboratory team led by Farrah Moazeni from Civil and Environmental Engineering department at Lehigh. 

April 2024

Special thanks to my PhD student Elham Jamalinia to nominate me for the mentorship award at Lehigh University. 

April 2024

Elham Jamalinia, a third-year PhD student of the INTEGRITY laboratory has recently received an internship offer for Summer 2024. She will be a “ Power Electronic Intern” for York International Corp, a subsidiary or affiliate of Johnson Control. 

December 2023

INTEGRITY and CONCISE lab members participated in the 2023 DoD energy and environment innovation symposium to present two posters of our recent research on microgrid resilience and control. 

October 2023

Two of our PhD students (Ali Hosseinipour and Maral Shadaei) will be doing internships in Spring 2024 at Tesla. 

Aug 2023

Ali Hosseinipour, a second-year PhD student of the INTEGRITY lab was awarded the best poster presentation award (3rd Prize) at the IEEE PESGM 2023, congratulations to Ali for his great achievement!

June 2023

Our group has received an award from the Department of Defense, Office of Naval Research (ONR) to study deep learning-based optimal control of naval microgrids. 

May 2023

Ali Hosseinipour, a second-year PhD student of the INTEGRITY lab has published his first journal article in Elsevier's International Journal of Electrical Power and Energy Systems  (a very good journal with impact factor of 5.6) . This is the first journal article to come out of the INTEGRITY lab since its establishment in 2021. Keep up the good work, Ali.  You can read his paper via this link: 

Our group participated in Girl Scouts program in Camp Archbald on May 6th , PA, to present the beauty of electrical engineering to girls from kindergarten to high-school. 

April 2023

Our group has received an award from the Department of Defense, Office of Naval Research (ONR) to study real-time resilience of naval microgrids. 

December 2022

September 2022

Our group participated in Girl Scouts program in  Camp Small Valley, PA, to present the beauty of electrical engineering to girls from kindergarten to high-school. 

Our group received an award from National Science Foundation to study dynamic state-estimation of modern power systems using statistical machine learning approaches. 

More information here:

July 2022

March 2022

Jan 2022

Aug 2021

Jan 2020- Aug 2021