How does the TAP (Transfer Alliance Program) application for UCLA work?

Assuming your are certified as outlined below, do your GE requirements, and and do all of your major prep. courses,  the UCLA TAP program will give you priority admission status when applying to the University of California, Los Angeles.  It will also allow you to apply for a non-impacted alternate major (should you not get in to your 1st choice).  Finally, it will allow you to qualify to apply for a UCLA TAP scholarship.  If you wish to attend UCLA starting in the fall you will need to apply during the preceding year through normal means by the regular fall deadline (usually November 30th). In addition to the regular UCLA application, you will also need to fill out a TAP Certification Form. Your TAP Certification Form will not be due until the beginning of the spring semester immediately preceding the fall you intend to start at UCLA. 

What is the process to be UCLA TAP Certified for students who applied to UCLA for Fall 2024Admission?

1.     Complete the fall 2024 TAP Worksheet by February 23, 2024.  Blank worksheets can be found on the UCLA TAP website (https://sa.ucla.edu/Forms/p/6bajp).  Also, fill out a UCLA TAP Certification Form, which can be downloaded from https://docs.google.com/document/d/1A4lX4TQJSTGeiPCYxZ02Om8w_OxkTdRCsfGQEAYolog/edit?usp=sharing

2.     Download all unofficial college transcripts

3.     Send the completed TAP Certification Form and all unofficial transcripts to skudsi@ccsf.edu

4.     Mr. Kudsi will verify that you have or will complete a minimum of 15 Honors units

5.     Mr. Kudsi will then forward your documents to the Transfer Center Counselors

6.     Transfer Center Counselor will calculate your CCSF UC Transferable GPA (min. 3.00 Transferable GPA required)

7.     Next Step: Transfer Counselor will send you a form that you must complete and forward to UCLA

8.     Process for UCLA TAP Certification is concluded


Note: Late forms will not be accepted. Please contact Sami Kudsi (skudsi@ccsf.edu) if you have any questions.


Is it acceptable for a student to complete all of the 15 units required for the UCLA TAP (Transfer Alliance Program) certification during her/his last spring semester at CCSF?

No. At least 6 of the 15 required UC transferable honors program units must be completed by the end of the fall semester the academic year before the student wants to begin at UCLA. So for example if a student wants to start at UCLA in the fall of 2014, s/he must complete at least 6 honors units of the required 15 honors units by the end of fall 2013 in order to be TAP certified. The remaining 9 units can be completed in the spring of 2014.  All coursework must be taken for a letter grade.

Where can I acquire a UCLA TAP Certification Form?

Please go to https://docs.google.com/document/d/1A4lX4TQJSTGeiPCYxZ02Om8w_OxkTdRCsfGQEAYolog/edit?usp=sharing and you can download a form today.