Classroom philosophy
My class is a community. We all have the same objective: to learn. Online students often feel isolated but it's important to know you are not in this alone. I invite each of you to approach our online class with a positive attitude and a willingness to help each other. Many problems and questions can be resolved by asking a fellow student. I am always here to help you but I truly believe your experience will be better if you communicate with your fellow students throughout the semester. Let's work together to make this semester great for everyone.
This is possible when everyone acts as good community members to create a supportive learning environment. Just like in a face-to-face course, your attitude shapes the cultural values and beliefs of the class dynamic. The amount and quality of your participation will directly reflect this commitment. Online courses require a lot of autonomous work, but also provide more methods to share and collaborate. Sharing our work can lead to incredible growth in our communication practices. I hope you will join your peers in an engaging online semester!
Add/drop policy
In each class I usually add the entire official waitlist, and depending on the course a few additional students.
My drop policy states that any student that does not participate in the first 2 assignments and/or is inactive (does not login and participate) for 10 days risks being dropped from the course.
online learning
Online courses require a lot more work and time than we expect compared to traditional classroom courses. It is not just about clicking through information and webpages, passively consuming information that is only relevant for one week at a time. If you have never taken an online course before, please visit CCSF’s “Tips for success” to ensure you are set up to succeed in online courses.
DSPS accomodations
I aim to make every course as accessible as possible to students with disabilities or medical conditions that may affect any aspect of course assignments or participation. Students with disabilities who need accommodations are encouraged to contact me as soon as possible. The Disabled Students Program and Services Center (DSPS) is available to facilitate the reasonable accommodations process. The DSPS is located in the Rosenberg Library (R323) and can be reached by telephone (voice 415-452-5481, TTY 415-452-5451).
Canvas is our learning management system at CCSF.
You can find all your courses through the Canvas log-in. You will need your RAMID to log-in.
Questions can be directed to the Canvas Support Hotline (844) 592-2198 available 24/7.