Spanish Language Arts/Social Studies

Introduction of Spanish Language Arts:  Students will develop Spanish vocabulary by being exposed to the language at least 90% of the time while in class.  Students engage in classroom conversations on a daily basis, as well as reading comprehension and writing activities in the target language.  Students will learn and apply grammatical rules when speaking, reading, and writing in Spanish. 

Introduction of Social Studies: FOURTH GRADE - Students will learn about REGIONS AND CULTURES OF THE AMERICAS Pre-contact Americas to European settlements (up to 1763).  The development of Mesoamerican and South American civilizations including the Olmec, Inca, Maya, and Aztec.  Roles and responsibilities as members of a society. The contributions of various cultural and ethnic groups to the development of the Americas.  Disciplinary skills and processes including change and continuity over time, multiple perspectives, using and understanding sources, and cause and effect.

Social Studies: 

Parent Resources: 


Brain Pop Espanol: 
