About Us

The iLab is a joint Augsburg/Macalester research and teaching eye-tracking lab funded by National Science Foundation (NSF) Transforming Undergraduate Education in Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (TUES) Grant #1044006. The primary goals of this research lab are to introduce state-of-the-art eye movement research techniques to a broad range of students and faculty, and to expand methodological possibilities and tools in psychology courses, class-associated laboratory sections, and student and faculty research. The Macalester/Augsburg iLab was instituted in 2011. Feel free to contact Brooke Lea (lea@macalester.edu) for more information about the iLab.

Macalester College iLab, Olin-Rice Hall 356A

Principal Investigators

R. Brooke Lea (Macalester)

Dave Matz (Augsburg)

Lab Managers

Jordan Vellon (Macalester)

Masa Holocsi (Macalester)

Izzy Ungard (Macalester)


Student Researchers

Maia Lemov

Ellie Parker 

Alice Bjorneberg 

Raina Tenenbaum 

Gretta Koppers 

Clara Schilder Manning